Vim & Vitality Blog

Bi-monthly blog posts on a variety of health topics from a biblical & wholistic perspective.

Gingivitis & Brain Fog: The Common Factor

gingivitis brain fog2If you are anything like me, I love the feeling of clean, slick teeth after visiting my awesome holistic dental hygienist, Shelby Kahl…. But I must admit that having my lower incisors cleaned is nerve wracking and makes me cringe! I have always had super sensitive teeth, and it is sometimes painful to simply touch a metal instrument to them-- yikes!! As my hormones have fluctuated throughout childbearing, the sensitivity of my teeth and gums as well as the amount of tartar on my teeth have both varied.

As women, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, with hormones changing over our lifetimes, monthly, and even daily. Those of you experiencing menopause know that hormones can even fluctuate from moment to moment! But there are natural ways to manage the unpleasantries of menopause. Along with hormone fluctuations come variations in blood supply to gum tissues and resultant changes in sensitivity to the toxins produced by oral bacteria, which may contribute to gum disease. According to Susan Karabin, D.D.S., past president of the American Academy of Periodontology:

"The gingival tissues have lots of estrogen receptors that respond to hormonal fluctuations. As a result, you may see symptoms appear in your mouth in accordance withyour menstrual cycle.Hormonal changes don't cause gum disease, but they can worsen some underlying issues such as inflammation." (1)

Swollen, red gums that are susceptible to bleeding are more common during puberty, a few days before menstruation, and during pregnancy. Vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) may be the culprit in some cases but hormones play a huge role too. In an article entitled “Women’s Health: Periodontitis and its Relation to Hormonal Changes, Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and Osteoporosis” from the May issue of Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry, a Case Western Reserve University periodontist reviewed 61 journal articles with nearly 100 studies for a collective answer on whether hormones have a relationship to gum disease and specific women’s health issues like preterm labor, bone loss, and the side effects of hormonal replacement therapy.

“Krejci found female hormones that fluctuate throughout women’s lives can change conditions in the mouth that allow bacteria to grow, enter the blood, and exacerbate certain health issues like bone loss, fetal death and pre-term births.” (2)

Krejci continues:

“Although women tend to take better care of their oral health than men, the main message is women need to be even more vigilant about maintaining healthy teeth and gums to prevent or lessen the severity of some of women-specific health issues.” (3)

Oral hygiene is even more important during times of hormone fluctuation, however, brushing and flossing are not the only factors necessary to mitigate periodontal flare-ups. Did you know that the balance between calcium and phosphorous also contributes to gum health? You have probably heard this old adage:

“Gain a child, lose a tooth.”

Pregnancy places higher demands on not only calcium in the body but also on phosphorous. A classic symptom of phosphorous imbalance is gingivitis. And if you suffer from morning sickness during pregnancy, phosphorous may be the culprit once again. This is because phosphorous activates the sympathetic nervous system, which increases circulation. You see, during pregnancy, women switch to a more parasympathetic, calm state, with blood flow being directed to the baby and digestion. That means less blood flow is directed to the periphery, including to the brain and inner ear. Low blood flow to these areas may contribute to vertigo, motion sickness, and morning sickness. A few drops of Phosfood Liquid before rising in the morning can help the body switch to a sympathetic dominant state and combat morning sickness.

Pregnancy and female hormone fluctuations are not the only causes of phosphorous deficiency:

“Today is a day of phosphorous hunger. Our abundant financial, marital and social problems create tensions which severely tax our phosphorous reserves.” ~Dr. Bernard Jensen

Intense brain and nervous system activity in the form of stress, intense thought, study, etc. utilizes nutrients that maintain nerve cell function so fast that the supply of needed chemical substances, especially phosphorous, for this process must be kept up. Additionally, the brain is always at work, so it needs a steady stream of phosphorous 24/7. Fatigue and the need for a great deal of rest may indicate phosphorous depletion.  

The positive influence of phosphorous on the brain has been well-known for centuries. For its role in assisting with learning and thought as well with positive mood, phosphorous has been referred to as the “light bearer.” Not only does phosphorous contribute to enlightenment, but in a jar, white phosphorous will glow green or blue until consumed. Because of its explosive properties, phosphorous is even used in fireworks and the red tips of kitchen matches:

“The first form of elemental phosphorus to be produced (white phosphorus, in 1669) emits a faint glow upon exposure to oxygen– hence its name given from Greek mythology,Φωσφόροςmeaning "light-bearer"… The term "phosphorescence", meaning glow after illumination, originally derives from this property of phosphorus…” (4)

A proper ratio of calcium to phosphorous in the body ranges from 10:3-4. Insufficient phosphorous will affect mental alertness, so the next time you experience afternoon lethargy, spaciness or inability to focus, try a few drops of Phosfood Liquid. If it clears your brain and you feel more focused, then you may be deficient in phosphorous. Have a headache? It may be that you have depleted your reserves of phosphorous. Try the same remedy I mentioned above.

What about other characteristics of phosphorous deficiency? Do you suffer from:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Joint stiffness, especially in the morning
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Gout
  • Kidney stones
  • Thickened blood (it is not likely a “coumadin deficiency”)
  • Elevated calcium

Phosphorous is acidic in nature, while calcium is alkaline. A perfect balance between these two minerals is necessary in order to experience optimal health. Calcium deposits may occur when there is insufficient phosphorous. This occurs because phosphorous holds calcium in solution, based on pH. Joint stiffness is often nothing more than a need for phosphorous. After moving around a bit each morning, your muscles release lactic acid which ionizes calcium deposits in overly alkaline synovial fluids around your joints, so the stiffness is reduced. Wake up WITHOUT joint stiffness by balancing the ratio of calcium to phosphorous in your body! The same principle holds true for kidney stones.

Fight gingivitis and brain fog with more phosphorous. Besides this fiery mineral, your body requires 90 Essential Nutrients in order to be healthy. Any one mineral in improper balance can cause health problems, and believe me, EVERY person in America is deficient in one or several nutrients due to stress, minerally depleted soils, and the consumption of processed foods! Take the guesswork out of mineral balance in your body. Contact me to order your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) today! I would love to help you improve your health and quality of life!

L’chaim-- To Life!


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