Vim & Vitality Blog

Bi-monthly blog posts on a variety of health topics from a biblical & wholistic perspective.

Under the Hood: The Mechanics of the Human Machine

Part 5C Is Your “Oil Light” Flashing?

Chinese Face, Tongue & Nail AnalysisChinese Face, Tongue & Nail Analysis (cont'd)

  • Do you have slick, raw patches on your tongue?
  • Does the coating on your tongue have a yellow, white, or greenish tint to it?
  • What about the color of your tongue itself-- is it purplish or reddish?
  • Do you have lines or cracks in your tongue?
  • Does your tongue quiver when you try to hold it out nice and still?


The analogy being made in this installment of "Under the Hood" is between the tongue and the oil light of a car. If your car runs low on oil, the engine can burn up in a matter of seconds, so when that light comes on, you had better shut off the engine immediately! By the same token, more than a sensory organ for taste, your tongue can be used as an indicator of your health. If your tongue presents certain characteristics, you would be wise to pay attention and make some lifestyle changes to prevent more serious problems down the road! In this blog about Chinese Face, Tongue & Nail Analysis, we will be looking at what the tongue says about our health. Believe it or not, just as the characteristics of your face and nails reveal clues about your health, the tongue has much to say about how your organs are functioning. Even more intriguing is how changes in your tongue are much more rapid and more quickly noticeable than changes in your skin and nails! In fact, the cells of your tongue regenerate every 2-3 days, so your tongue can be used as an indicator for your to personally monitor progress in your health! I look at my tongue every morning when I brush my teeth, and I am always surprised how the lines, color and coating on my tongue change from day to day. When I am tired and run-down, my tongue is typically pale in color. When my bowels are not moving as often as they should, I see cracks on the sides of my tongue in the liver regions.

During every Holistic Health Assessment, I examine the face, tongue and nails of my clients to get clues about what is going on inside the body. Just as your mechanic looks at the indicators on the dashboard of your vehicle or uses a computer to test various sytems in your car, I do the same with the Human Machine. I combine the “witness” of various physical indicators in order to form a complete picture of what is going on inside the body, without actually having to do any invasive testing or analyses.

One of the most common tongue characteristics with my clients is a quivering tongue. Combine this with dark depressions between the eyes and nose, red ears, vertically splitting nails, and/ or large pupils that do not contract with a bright light, and I know that the adrenals need to be supported.

Another all-too-common tongue characteristic is a crack down the middle. If the coating on the tongue is heavy and white, turning to a yellowish color, then the client will frequently suffer from belching and burping, indigestion, etc. because this feature indicates a deficiency in digestive enzymes, causing food to putrify in the stomach. A pale tongue color vs. a healthy pink color further validates digestive deficiency, specifically related to assimilation of proteins or even poor circulation. Flat vs. slightly arched nails, plus vertical ridges on the nails act as another “witness,” confirmining digestive woes. Iridology can verify digestive issues as well. Although very uncommon, an overly acid/ low sodium stomach may be indicated by the “stomach ring” (ring of fibers nearest the pupil) being white in color. A healthy, balanced stomach has a protective sodium lining which will prevent ulcers and other stomach ailments. A brownish ring just inside of the pupil may indicate an ulcerative condition that iridologists refer to as a “burnt stomach,” which is a more chronic form of the low sodium stomach. In these deficient sodium situations, herbs and foods high in ORGANIC sodium are beneficial to rebuild a healthy sodium lining and improve digestion. Table salt is NOT a form of organic sodium. High levels of beneficial, organic sodium are naturally contained in foods such as:


Unlike inorganic sodium that is added to foods, naturally-occuring sodium in the foods we eat actually contributes to a healthy body, including lower blood pressure! Seems counter-intuitive, doesn't it? But this just demonstrates the difference between creation vs. man's counterfeit. As much as it is within your power, choose fresh, all-natural (no pesticides or chemicals) whole foods of the highest quality you can afford.

Tongue characteristics, combined with observation of nail and facial features act as an “oil light” of sorts for your Human Machine. Are you low on oil? Is it time for an “oil change?” If your “oil light” is flashing, it is time to schedule a maintenance call. Book a Holistic Health Assessment today, and learn how to get your Human Machine running smoothly again!

L'chaim-- To Life!


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The Thanksgiving "Test Kitchen"
Under the Hood: The Mechanics of the Human Machine


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