Vim & Vitality Blog

Bi-monthly blog posts on a variety of health topics from a biblical & wholistic perspective.

Learn how to slow down the aging process and acquired long-term wellness and vitality!

Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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 Part VE: The Chemistry of Nutrition Here we are at the conclusion of this blog series on The Chemistry of Aging.  To quickly review, aging is slowed and health is improved when we balance our pH by: 1) Managing Our Stress (including sleep) 2) Oxygenating Our System 3) Improving Our Digestion (Part IVA & Part IVB) 4) Optimizing Our Diet Optimizing Our Diet involves a) drinking plenty of water at the right time and temperature, b) consuming the correct proportion of foods that alkalize the body, c) balancing the intake of raw vs. cooked foods, and finally d) incorporating both DEF...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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 Part VD: The Chemistry of Nutrition We are winding down to the end of this series on The Chemistry of Aging and how to slow down the aging process. As I have said before, the same principles that decelerate the aging process are also the keys to health: What keeps us healthy also keeps us youthful!  A final note about the 80/20 rule: It is not uncommon for my new clients to think that they are eating plenty of vegetables; most people think that if they eat vegetables daily, then they are doing good… but many of these people are only consuming 4-6 servings of vegetables in a six-da...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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Part VC: The Chemistry of Nutrition In this part of Staying Youthful Longer, we have been discussing The Chemistry of Nutrition as a factor that regulates the speed at which we age. There are four dietary recommendations that I make to all of my clients, and so far we have covered the first two: 1)Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water (and clear liquids such as herbal tea) each day 2)Drink room temperature water continually, separating from meals by 1 hour, and drink hot water before meals for optimum digestion The third piece of nutritional advice I give to every client is: Follow the ...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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Part VB: The Chemistry of Nutrition This blog series has covered the key to health and youth: a balanced pH. We have discussed three factors that affect the rate at which we age: 1)Stress (including sleep) 2)Oxygenation 3)Digestion (including leaky gut) Previously, we began to delve into the fourth factor: Nutrition. I told you about the first of four nutrition tips that I give to every client: adequate hydration. This is the cheapest and easiest health practice for slowing down the aging process. This time we will discuss the second dietary recommendation that I make to every client: The corr...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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Part VA: The Chemistry of Nutrition True or False? Meat has an alkaline pH. The correct answer is false; meat is alkaline when tested outside of the body, but when metabolized by the body, it is acid-forming. In Parts IVA & IVB of this blog series on aging, we talked about optimizing our digestion and how that is the fourth key to balancing our pH, thus slowing down the aging process. We learned that the best diet in the world can produce acid in our systems if we are not digesting our foods properly. Click Here If you didn't get your FREE quiz to determine which digestive enzymes may be r...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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Part IVB: The Chemistry of Digestion   Last time, we ended our discussion about The Chemistry of Digestion after learning that acid reflux is most often due to INSUFFICIENT stomach acid vs. over acid stomach. We discovered that undigested food leads to an acidic body chemistry, which increases our rate of aging and decreases our vitality.We also learned that this undigested food causes sets into motion a chain reaction:   DEFICIENT STOMACH ACID--> UNDIGESTED FOOD IN SMALL INTESTINE--> INFLAMMATION--> LEAKY GUT--> ALLERGIES--> AUTOIMMUNE   So, what is “leaky gutâ...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging


Part IVA: The Chemistry of Digestion In the previous installments of this series on aging, we learned that what speeds the aging process is also what impacts our health and vitality; it is the same recipe for both! The points that we have already covered related to this process are: 1) The Chemistry of Aging—an overview of pH balancing 2) The Chemistry of Stress—how stress affects our pH 3) The Chemistry of Oxygenation—the importance of oxygen to our body chemistry And now for the fourth point: The Chemistry of Digestion. In this modern age, we have been duped into believing that acid re...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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Part III: The Chemistry of Oxygenation   What happens when you put a lid on a candle? Just as wood and a a heat will not start a fire in the absence of oxygen, our bodies need oxygen to spark the metabolic process (heat) of utilizing the food we eat (wood).If you requested your FREE Sleep Quiz from Part IIB: The Chemistry of Stress in this blog series, you likely discovered what is preventing you from getting the quality and quantity of sleep that you need to be healthy. We learned that in addition to managing stress through mindset and adapagenic herbs, sleep is yet another factor that i...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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Part IIB: The Chemistry of Stress   Adapotagenic herbs are helpful in reducing the effects of stress, but these herbs are no substitute for sleep! In Part IIA: The Chemistry of Stress we discovered the proper adaptagenic herbs for you, based on the unique make-up of your nervous system. This is one key to aid in stress management. Another key is sleep in proper quantity and quality.   Just as the sun, moon and seasons rotate in cycles, our bodies were created to keep a natural rhythm. By some, this is referred to as the Circadian Rhythm, and the principle behind it is that our bodies...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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Part IIA: The Chemistry of Stress Yes! You can actually reverse the aging process!  What I mean is that if you are aging more rapidly than is optimum, you can actually turn this around if you understand how to interpret and manage your urine and saliva pH.  In Part I: The Chemistry of Aging, we talked about how attaining and maintaining a balanced pH is crucial in slowing down or reversing the aging process.     So, let’s get started on the way to understanding the first of four factors that contributes to your body pH: STRESS!  Does the word itself cause your blood ...

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Staying Youthful Longer: A Holistic Approach to Aging

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Part I: The Chemistry of Aging Recently I taught this material in a seminar format with Dr. Lance Zimney of Life in Motion Chiropractic & Wellness. This is the first in a series of five teachings, each dealing with one aspect of holistic healthcare that will rapidly slow down or reverse the aging process. “How do we reverse the aging process?....we must return to a holistic, preventative lifestyle….we must get [balanced] where all nourishment and vitamins and minerals can be accepted by the body.” (Source: June M. Wiles, Choose Life or Death, Preface, p.10, Dr. Carey A. Reams with Cl...

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