Vim & Vitality Blog

Bi-monthly blog posts on a variety of health topics from a biblical & wholistic perspective.

The Green Wonder: Fat-Soluble Chlorophyll

green leaf chlorophyllEvery now and then, you stumble upon a life-changer. It may be the discovery of a product like the Magic Eraser that will remove marks from walls without removing the paint. Or maybe it is a Bluetooth device that allows you to drive and talk hands free. What about discovering that remaining calm in the heat of a conflict, then initiating resolution at a later time is much more effective than trying to resolve the issue on-the-spot when emotions are flared? Well, today I have another life-changer to share with you: FAT-SOLUBLE CHLOROPHYLL.

You have probably heard of chlorophyll before, and you have likely even used it in a smoothie in the form of wheatgrass, spirulina, barley grass or blue-green algae.   “Chlorophyll is a green photosynthetic pigment found in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria.” (1) Powdered and liquid forms are sold for use as a cleansing and detoxifying agent, such as in Clean Start by Nature’s Sunshine, which I mention in the FREE eResource offered in my last blog called Allergies? Your Liver’s Talking to You! Typically chlorophyll is extracted from plants to form a water-soluble liquid, discarding the very beneficial fat-soluble protein complex that makes grass stains so hard to remove from your clothing. Contained in this complex are Vitamins A, D, E, F & K, all of which are fat-soluble and necessary for healthy skin, nerves, brain, cholesterol, etc.  Standard Process uses a special process to maintain all of the synergistic components, while other manufacturers of so-called "fat-soluble" chlorophyll will use soybean oil or shark liver oil as a carrier-- buyer beware!

chlorophyll vs. bloodThe most amazing thing to me about this substance is that at a molecular level CHLOROPHYLL IS IDENTICAL TO HUMAN BLOOD, with the exception of the central molecule. In human blood, the central molecule in hemoglobin is Iron, while the central molecule in chlorophyll is Magnesium. As the blood of a plant, chlorophyll is an excellent human blood-builder; the human body only needs to exchange one molecule of Magnesium for Iron to make hemoglobin. The oxygen-carrying capacity of blood can be enhanced by taking fat-soluble chlorophyll, so it is a great herbal solution for anemia or for those with compromised red blood cell production.

As amazing as the molecular composition of fat-soluble chlorophyll may be, its pain-relieving capacity is perhaps even more miraculous! Pain due to trauma is the result of free guanidine in the body, which is produced through the breakdown of phosphogen (which is highly irritating to nerve endings) into guanidine. Guanidine is the most alkaline substance found in the human body, acting as a poison and producing pain. In cases of severe trauma, such as with burns, fat-soluble chlorophyll can be used successfully as an analgesic. In fact, did you know that chlorophyll was used during World War II (2) to not only deodorize putrid wounds but to stimulate cell growth and accelerate healing? (3) As such, Chlorophyll Ointment from Standard Process is an excellent remedy to keep in your medicine cabinet and first aid kit. Apply it immediately to burns to relieve pain, prevent scarring, prevent infection and speed healing! Other applications for Chlorophyll Ointment include: pain relief and healing in tooth sockets after extractions and for healing cuts & abrasions (including for animals-- veterinarians and ranchers use it for severe barbed wire cuts).

SP ChlorophyllInternally, Chlorophyll Complex Perles are excellent for:

  • Analgesic pain relief-- arthritis, frozen shoulder, migraines, neuropathy, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, ear infections. Suggested Use: Dissolve 1-2 Chlorophyll Complex perles in the mouth, then hold under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing. Pain relief should be noticed within minutes and last 3-4 hours.
  • Healing of tissues-- ulcers, hemorrhoids, fissures, etc.  Dr. Bernard Jensen called chlorophyll "Nature's Greatest Healer."
  • Menopause-- balances estrogen levels

Hormone health is evasive for many women. To learn more about how to balance your hormones and improve fertility naturally, download my eBook called "End the Hormone Madness."

Amazingly, Chlorophyll Complex Perles plus Wheat Germ Oil have been found to prevent spontaneous abortion and threatened miscarriage in at-risk women. (4) Women who have suffered multiple miscarriages have high amounts of guanidine and free fatty acids (FFAs) in their blood, both of which contribute to miscarriage. Fat-soluble chlorophyll and wheat germ oil combined work together to improve blood clotting, eliminate guanidine and FFAs from the blood, restore the proper pH balance in the body, and improve vascular integrity and oxygenation-- all of which promote maintaining a pregnancy.

Warning: do NOT use chlorophyll if taking blood thinners such as coumadin (contains Vitamin K which thickens blood and will counteract blood thinners)

So, now you know why I call fat-soluble chlorophyll “The Green Wonder.” Ready to give it a try? Contact me today and receive 20% off retail on Standard Process Chlorophyll Complex Perles or Ointment.

L’chaim-- To Life!


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Rev Your "Engine" & Make It Purr
Allergies? Your Liver’s Talking to You!


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